Irish Sites:
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Irish Astronomy Organizations:
Irish Federation of Astronomical Societies
IAS ::
Irish Astronomical Society
The Irish Light Polution Awareness Campaign - promoting awareness of light pollution and working to reduce bad lighting throught the country.
Astonomy Ireland ::
IAA ::
Irish Astronomical Assoc.
South Dublin Astronomical Society
Disscution groups:
Digital Astro ::
Astrophotography with digital cameras (no webcams) - over 4000 members to date, great pictures and tons of messages.
LX90 ::
A group for Meade LX90 owners - your questions might find an answer here.
SAC-Imaging ::
A support group for SAC series of cameras.
DslrFocus ::
A support group for DslrFocus sofware - to help a better focusing with Canon DSLR series
Astroplanner ::
A support group for nice piece of software written in Visual Basic which also allows you to control and align your telescope.
RC Optical Systems Gallery ::
Take a deep breath and see some exceptional images with exceptional telescopes at exceptional prices.
Robert Gendler's Gallery ::
Using RC optics equipment, here are some great images by Robert Gendler probably one of the best astro-photographer around.
Panther Observatory ::
Another great astro-photographer, Johannes Schedler. He is using a more "affordable" equipment.